Why Is Fake Grass Installation a Must in Sydney Weather?
My name is Jacob, and I own Top Tier Turfing Solutions . I am a proud Sydnyiser, born and brought up in this city. Sydney is one of the most liveable places in the world. Apart from its diverse culture and lively environment, this city's weather makes it heaven on earth. Well, this article is not about bragging about Sydney City but about the fake grass installation popularity in the recent past. There are myths regarding artificial grass that it is not environmentally friendly and not at its best in hot conditions. Although, I found Sydney's weather temperate or mild. However, few days the temperature can reach 32 degrees Celsius. I will still stick to the fact that the synthetic grass installation is perfect and a must for Sydney’s weather. Heat Tolerance : Sydney's summers can be scorching, and prolonged exposure to high temperatures can turn natural grass brown and dry. Fake grass is designed to withstand heat, remaining lush and green even in the hottest weather. I...